China Mineral (Yingkou) Magnesia Co.,Ltd.

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Magnesia carbon bricks

  • Category:Magnesia carbon bricks
  • View:117times
  • Release Date:2023-09-19 01:15:42
  • Overview

We are producing high quality Magnesia Carbon Bricks thereby catering needs of different scale steel manufacturers of China.

Magnesia Carbon bricks are being used in Steel Ladles,Convertors and electric furnace. We lay our focus not only on supply but also on application and regular monitoring of the equipment where our products are being used. We aim in bringing out the best performances by thorough monitoring and supervisions of the equipment from day one. Our application team being very sincere and knowledgeable about the ongoing steel manufacturing process, provides time to time inputs requisite for bringing out the performance satisfactory to customer’s point of view. Our technical team provides our clients with utmost technical supports as per their requirement thereby leading to a path of perfection which in turn creates a “win- win situation” for both the parties. We in turn used to get repeat orders from our customers as an appreciation ofour product performance as well as cost effectiveness.


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